Thursday, October 25, 2007

Is this me?!?!

I just had a look at my chinese horoscope on Facebook, according to which I am a Metal Dog. I am rather sceptical towards astrology and now I will be even more so. Or what about reading that I am not easy to live with!?!? Or maybe I then can use that as an excuse..
There was also a section where they combined the chinese sign with the western. I don't know if they actually combined MY two signs or if they picked the equivalent western sign and it just happend to be an Aries Metal Dog, but this is one of the things it said about "me": The Aries Dog
These Dogs are self-confident and independent. They won't settle down too early because there's too much to do.

Hmm, does sound a bit familiar...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Normal life??

Just to write that I have absolutely nothing to write!
Just feel very empty and uninspired... Is this the real normal life?!
All of a sudden I feel I have a lot of work and unfortunately find it very difficult to concentrate in the office.
At the same time autumn is getting really serious, cold, wet and dark... Fear the winter!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Fascinating Facebook

After some initial hesitation and even some aversion against Facebook I have now given in and started taking more active part of it. There is still a lot of junk and applications that I just don’t understand the point of, especially the ones where you “send” stuff to people, like hugs, spanks, drinks or small fish or gifts etc. But it is a nice way to get in touch with people you have lost track of and also to stay updated on the ones you have less frequent contact to.
But I have also discovered another, probably unintended side effect. It is also a way to lose friends or at least to get confirmation of that someone who used to be your friends isn’t any longer.

It does not even have to be an active rejection in the way that you refuse to accept an invitation, it can also be the very passive, silent refusal of sending an invitation. You notice when you see that you and this person have a billion friends in common, but still you don’t have that direct link, not even though you are the one who basically introduced that person to the rest of the gang. Before it comes to that point you have probably already guessed that something was wrong, when you go from nearly daily contact to no contact for months, but there are of course a million reasons for not calling or sending a message, mostly lack of time, but on Facebook most of the reasons aren’t valid anymore. So then you would guess that there has to be another reason, but would it not be nicer to tell it straight out?! Of course you sometimes have to break up with friends too, but wouldn’t it be odd to confirm a break up on Facebook?

Well, if someone has decided that she does no longer want to be your friend anymore, it is not much you can do but to accept it. And anyway, I don’t need "friends" like that…

Monday, October 01, 2007

To Move Or Not To Move

Been thinking about moving. Am not happy with my apartment, especially not the neighbours. Saw two other apartments on the net today, bigger, closer to the centre and seemed to be in a nice house, but then it means they are also of course more expensive. Still not expensive though, but not as cheap as my present one. SO, the question is; is it worth while going through the hustle of moving again? Will I feel happier there? Is it worth paying a little more or will I still be unsatisfied but only have less money left to spend on other thing??

I don't know! And I guess I should have cancelled my present contract today then...