Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Well, I continue my way of “borrowing” other peoples lives. This time in Stockholm. I somehow started to get a bit restless in the country side. Or…, rather actually I didn’t. I got completely comfortable. Really started to like life as unemployed. There you are never alone, there are always people around, which I like, and there are always someway you can make yourself useful (hence the working on the roof!) and it seems somehow quite normal not to go to an office every morning. You also don’t need that much money so not having a regular income is not so worrying. But somehow I realise it will not work in the long run. Therefore I am now in Stockholm borrowing an apartment from a friend who is abroad. It feels bit strage to stay here. I have only been here two or three times before, and then there always was a party! But the appartment is quite close to where I used to live so it still feels kind of like home.(I am not really borrowing his life though. Don’t worry Johan if you read this :-)).

Here I will be more inspired to look for a new job. Here I will soon get bored after a while. As all my friends are working it does not seem as normal not to work. And seeing your friends in the evening and everything you do here somehow is connected with a cost, so you will soon start missing an income. But I have to admit, it was quite nice to have a slow breakfast and then go for a long walk in the park before going back and sit down in front of the computer.

But to everyone who starts worry that I am getting lazy and living off you, the working part of the people, I will just say, as some way of justifying myself, it has only been two weeks and considering that I really haven’t had much holiday this year I think that is ok and this far I am still supporting myself!

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