Saturday, February 17, 2007

The noble art of doing nothing

Sometimes people ask me what I do all day long when I am not working and if I don’t bored and restless. The answer amazes me just as much as anyone else; I don’t do much at all actually and still I am not very bored. I, queen of restlessness, don’t even get very restless. Which is probably a good thing. I am excelling in the noble art of doing nothing.

I, like I think most people, have some projects that never gets done, things you feel you should do some day when you have more time. In my case there are those plastic bags full of photos that I always say I will sort and put in albums one day, not to mention all the digital ones that I just store randomly in my computer, and of course I could always clean out my closet and send away all clothes I never use. I used to say I would do it a rainy day, then I change it to saying I would do it one day if I get unemployed or slightly ill, like breaking a leg or so. But I can tell you I haven’t done it this far and I don’t think I will. I think I will have to postpone it and start saying I will do it once I retire. Or maybe I should just accept my plastic bags and the chaos in my closet… Somehow that seems easier!

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