Monday, May 28, 2007

I want some cred!

Or actually I don’t need that. I am proud enough of my self anyway. Today I said “thank you, but no thank you to the foreign ministry!!! And that I think is really something they are not too used to. I have been waiting for an offer of a job contract from them, and today I got their offer. It was not bad, but it was definitely not good enough! And I am soo proud of myself that I actually did not let myself be fooled and persuaded to accept anyway. I have had enough of bad contracts and worthless promises from the ministry. If I am to continue that line of work they will have to come up with something better.
This time I also had a very interesting alternative, which of course made the decision easier. Now I am starting something completely new. This is also something that takes some courage. Not to change jobs, but this means moving to the dreaded little small town!! But as I say, fear eats the soul so one just has to try the thing one fears the most. I feel brave and courageous! So maybe I do want some cred after all!


Eva said...

Grattis! Skönt att säga ifrån, eller hur!? Så det blir K---hamn. Lättare att komma och hälsa på blir det i alla fall!!

Goodrun said...

Tack! Ja, det kändes jätteskönt! Ända till klockan tre i eftermiddags. Då satt jag i Kristinehamn och hade precis tittat på en lägenhet och ska börja jobba imorgon. Då ringer UD igen och lämnar ett nytt bud! Fortfarande ingen fast tjänst, som var mitt "krav", men ett år till på kontraktet och mer pengar. Även det inte var pengar det handlade om den här gången så finns det väl en gräns för när vi säljer oss ändå... Det här är inte lätt! Varför kan det aldrig vara lätt!? Fast jag inser väl att det är lyx-problem...
Har du några bra råd?