Sunday, August 19, 2007

Out of the ordinary

I don't really think this is something that fits in the Normal Life, not even in my weird Normal Life.
Yesterday at the party after the race, my boss shortly took me aside and asked me if I speak Spanish. I had to answer that unfortunately I don't. That's a pity she said, because if you did I would have asked you if you could co to Peru on Monday. But could you still go to Peru on Monday. And, well I answered yes.
So now I have been spending the afternoon at the office packing bags with all sorts of equipment, technical and personal for me and two more people who will be off to Peru tomorrow. The reason is of course to allieviate the suffering for the victims of the earthquake. We will fly in tents, blankets and tarpaulins etc.
At first the plan was that I would fly with a regular flight early tomorrow morning and arrive in the evening local time. Now that has been changed so that I will fly with the freight plane a AN 12 tomorrow in the afternoon. That will of course not be so comfortable, we will have to bring our own ear protection (ear plugs is not sufficient!) and our own food and drink. We will fly via the Canary Islands for a fill up, but then no one really can tell how long it will take for us to arrive in Pisco.
So I am up for a journey, that's for sure. I will be away for approx one week and don't think I will be able to blog during that time. But afterwards I might have something for my Travel-blog!


Eva said...

Din resa var omnämnd i vår lokaltidning (Den största av dem). Märkligt nog stod det inte så mycket om uppdrag och så, utan vinklingen var att två personen med anknytning till Skövde skulle åka till Peru med Räddningsverket. Otroligt högt nyhetsvärde... Lokalpatriotism rules!!

Goodrun said...

Ja, jag vet. Det var fler tidningar och även radio som rapporterade om det, vet inte varför det blev så uppmärksammat, vi gör ju massor som aldrig syns i media. Och av alla bilder som de to så har ingen av tidningarna lyckats hitta en enda som ser ok ut. Typiskt!!