Monday, February 11, 2008

My Time Came

After having been a fast driver for almost twenty years I have now finally gotten my first speeding ticket!

I noticed I was captured by a speed surveillance camera when I was driving from The Small Town to Stockholm just before Christmas. After having seen the flash I looked at the meter and saw I was driving just over 100 km/h on a stretch where the limit is 90. Hmmm not too good, but could have been worse, much worse…

As I had not heard anything from the police since then I thought/hoped that maybe the picture was of such low quality that it could not be used, I have heard that is quite common. But now I eventually received the letter, with a picture and a bill of 1500 SEK (160€)… Great! But I suppose I should not complain (although I for sure know of better ways to spend that money), the letter reported my registered speed to 96 km/h and I feel quite sure I was driving faster than that. Ok, I know that the meters are not always correct and often show a higher speed than the real one, but on the other hand I have read somewhere that the police have a margin of 6km/h on the cameras, meaning that if I really would have been driving 96 I probably wouldn’t have received a ticket at all. So I guess I should be grateful, kind of…

1 comment:

indierocker said...

well, having a ticket is not fun, but the worst part is when you dont deserve it! like, if they put the 50 km/h limit in a straight, wide country road, if you really go at 50 km/h, that IS dangerous, not going at 70! and that's the way thing are here in italy... that's frustrating!