Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy to not be American!

I soo look forward to when the US-election is over!!!
I am so sick and tired of hearing about the campaining and whos going to win. It feels it has been going on for ever. First the primaries and then the real campain. Do people really care?!

I am also quite amazed by how biased the Swedish media is. It is pretty obvious they all support and expect Obama to win, and have been the whole time. Gone is every kind of objectivness and impartiality. It is also rather obvious how amused and satisfied the journalists are when they find some really ignorant and stupid rednecks full of predjudice and manage to catch some stupid opinions on tape. It makes me scared. Scared both to know that people like that get to vote about the most powerful post in the world, but also scared to see how little integrity Swedish journalists have. But most of all it makes me happy that I am not American!!

1 comment:

Eva said...

Jag hörde att Filip och Fredrik ska hålla en partisk valvaka. De ska hålla på Obama på ungefär samma sätt som sportjournalister håller på Sverige under en landskamp. En riktigt bra idé, tycker jag. Om man ändå har tagit ställning är det väl lika bra att göra det ordentligt!