Wednesday, January 07, 2009

What's new?

So, new year and a new job. Well the new job doesn’t really feel very new yet. I sit in the same office and have some new colleagues, but I have been working with them before, albeit not so closely. I have a new boss and will have completely new work assignments but this far I have hardly met my boss and I really don’t know what I am expected to do. The biggest difference was our new network platform and new e-mail and of course it did not work very well the first day everyone was in office, will see how long it takes. It is quite challenging and energy consuming to reorganise this frequently, but that seems the standard story of public administration.

Apart from this, nothing much has happened. Hence the blog silence. Caught a nasty cold the day before Christmas and spent most of the holiday to recover from that. Managed to get to Frankfurt over New Year though, and that was really nice. I will post some nice Frankfurt photos soon, most probably on the Travel blog.

Something that might be new is my early morning jogging. It was easy to get up and go walking or jogging before breakfast during holiday, when I did not get up until 10 or 11. But can you imagine that this morning I got up at 6 and went out jogging!! But alright, once doesn’t make it a habit, does it?!

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