Thursday, April 23, 2009

Too Old for the New Media??

I admit my technological ignorance; or as someone said today “I fully realise I am standing with all feet in the world of dying media”.

Even though I do occasionally blog and I am present on Facebook I am a rookie on social digital media. Therefore it is quite funny that I, who only had heard about something called twitter, but had no real idea what it is really about, in one day both attended a seminar and later followed a debate on TV about twitter (and other similar media). The seminar was called Facebook – in face of disaster and was about the roll these new media play and could play in disaster/crisis management. It was actually very interesting and opened the eyes on many, if not all of us, attending. I never thought about it as something professionally useful. Maybe that is the real sign of what generation one belongs to, not if you use it or not, but the matter of importance or meaning it has to you. For me, these things never seem really serious or trustworthy, it’s only for fun.

On the other hand; the lecturer showed some rather interesting statistics. According to those figures it is not mostly the young – teenagers- that use twitter. The largest group of users was the group 25-49. I don’t really know how to interpret that. Does it mean I am unusually old-fashioned even in my own age group?!

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