Friday, August 28, 2009


As I wrote a while ago, cycling in the city can be dangerous. Today that was confirmed. On my way to the office today I had an accident. I am ok, especially considering that it was a quite nasty fall. I am a bit bruised and blue and sore all over and have a big bump on the back of my head (I know I should have worn a helmet!). A biker in front of me very suddenly breaked to awoid hitting a pedestrian just stepping out in front of him. I breaked very hard to, but still ran into the bike in front of me, my bike got hooked on the other bike and then flew together with on the side. Luckily this was a separated lane for bikers and hence no cars coming, but I was actually quite close to falling into the water instead.
It is amazing how irrational one first reacts. First I was most upset and angry over that one of my favourite dresses got all messed up and when the people who rushed to help me asked how they could help me I was only asking for help to get my hairclip out of my hair where it had got stuck... I was also still very convinced I should continue to the office despite everyone telling me to go home and relax or maybe to the hospital. But I was so convinced I should go on. Not even when they were making me aware of that I was bleeding on my foot and hand and probably in a state of chock I changed my mind. Because I was so stubborn to ladies helped me to remove my bike and park it and one offered to walk with me to the office. Only when I started walking and felt that my back hurt I started to think that maybe I shouldn’t go to work anyway. After that I also started to get more sad than just being angry and started to shiver and cry. I also got more aware of how I looked; bruised, dirty and with a bleeding foot hand and elbow and a thorn dress. So I realised that at least I should go home first for a while and then maybe go to work. I called the office and the woman helping me called a taxi and sent me off home.

I am feeling ok now, I am a bit sore and bruised and very tired, but ok. It is amazing how the body reacts to things like this. I guess I had a real adrenaline rush first that made me not feeling pain and then the chock came with a whole range of strange reactions. I think it also the chock that made me feel so tired now. Good it is Friday and a nice coincidence that my mother was coming here today anyway. Will soon be nicely looked after! 

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