Friday, April 27, 2007

Bad thing about being an adult!

I suppose it is normal that taste changes (gets more mature?) as you get older and I think it is mostly for the better, I mean I really appreciate that I like olives now, which I did not when I was a kid. But there is one thing that I really feel sad about and that has changed for the worse. I am not as fond of ice cream as I used to be!!
I still like and eat ice cream, but I don’t get that happy, completely satisfied feeling from eating ice cream anymore. I used to easily devour litres of ice cream, now I often get enough after a couple of small spoons. Sometimes I even feel disappointed as I still think I like it as much as I used to. I can look forward to have some of my favourite ice, but when I get it and take the fist bite, I feel it does not taste as I want it to and I feel disappointed. Sometimes I even throw away my ice before I finish even half of it!!! That is sad. Bad thing about being an adult!

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