Monday, May 19, 2008

Better Neighbours

One thing that improved since I moved to the new apartment is the neighbours. I did no dare to hope it would, even though it was really bad where I used to live and I thought it could not get much worse, but who knows… One of my colleagues live in the same house and same entrance where I live now and she said it was ok, but I was not really sure if I dared to trust here. But it is indeed much better. I got away from my pig-neighbour downstairs and his loud disgusting friends and I got away from the party crowd upstairs as well as the snotty, screaming and rude kids next door. Here I feel I can actually use my balcony!

Another good thing in the new house is that I have more immigrant neighbours here. I must say I do prefer to have immigrant neighbours, to have the Swedish riff raff small town people neighbours that are ubiquitous here. Today I met a very nice Muslim woman in the laundry room, who let me use one hour of her laundry time. Her Swedish was not perfect but she seemed happy to use it and she did very well. Above anything I prefer to live together with immigrants to living together with the Swedes who don’t like to live next to immigrants. I actually beleive that one of the main problems with The Small Town is that here are too few immigrants!

The Small Town people here are rude and socially unfit. They don’t say hello when you meet them, they just look the other way and pretend it is raining. And some say that is Big City behaviour!! Bullshit!! Just to take one example: Yesterday my parents visited me. On the way out of the apartment they walked ahead of me as I forgot something and had to go back. From the stair I heard they met someone at the door and that this person seemed polite and friendly and held the door for them. Immediately I knew it could not be one of the original small town people from this area and I actually guessed it was my upstairs colleague. And indeed. It was her!


ViMa said...

Det är nästan så att jag måste se vart hon bor & studera invånarna. Det verkar vara grannar from hell!
I den porten jag bor i Ksd kan jag bli ståendes & prata med grannarna i timtal innan jag får möjligheten att gå in..


Goodrun said...

ja, men det är ju det jag säger! I den här stan bor inga normala människor i lägenhet, alla bor i villa, utom socialt svaga och SRV:are...

Goodrun said...

Du får heller inte glömma bort att du, till skillnad från mig, tillhör lokalbefolkningen!
Jag är lika mycket utlänning här som min afrikanska granne! Både ur mitt och lokalbefolkningens perspektiv :-)

ViMa said...

Det verkar som att hon bör genomgå ett integreringsprogram för att på så sätt lära känna den stad hon numer har sin boning i. Det är säkert som hon säger att "böset" i större utsträckning bor i hyreslägenhet på mindre orter än i större, men jag tror även att det kan bero på vart man bosätter sig i samhället ifråga. Som t.e.x. skall man aldrig bosätta sig norr om E.18 om man har ambitionen att bosätta sig i Karlstad.