When I got off the train in TST I was at first happy and relieved to see that my car was still there and with no ticket, although it had been standing ten days on a seven days parking lot. When I came to the driver's side that changed however. Then I saw that some bastard had sprayed silver paint on the door. Damn bastards!! I got so pissed off!
This is what poor Smulan looked like when I came back from my holiday.
I can understand if kids growing up here get bored and frustraded and need to get it out somehow, but not on me or my belongings!! Of cause I know these things happens in other places too, but it would have been at least one argument in favour of small tonws if these kind of things did not happen here.
By the way; while in Rome I learned that even the city of Rome is planning to remove all parking fees!! Think about that you greedy Small Town politicians!!!
1 comment:
Flytta i från det där rövhålet. Var på födelsekalas hos min syster där staden nämndes i samband med något idrottsligt. Min sýster sa: Ja, där bor det bara en massa bös! Inte en normal människa verka bo där. Tänkte på dig...
Trist angående bilen. En rekondfirma kan kanske få bort det..
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