Thursday, June 12, 2008

Obviously Alien

As far as I know it is not written all over my forehead that I am not from The Small Town, but it seems to be very obvious that I am not from here. Even when I go out in The Next Somewhat Bigger Town and meet someone I often get to hear as an opening phrase "you are not from here, are you?". Ok, I don't speak the dialect, but often I don't even have to say that much that people can tell, so I don't really know what it is.

What happened yesterday might not be so strange though, but it was still an interesting experience. Yesterday I managed to leave the office early enough to get down town before the shops close (i.e.18:00) and went to the watchmaker to have the battery changed in my clock. I also brought some wintercoats to bring to the dry cleaners. As I did not know where to find a laundry I asked at the watchmaker's. There were quite a few people there and they all looked at me and then one of the man said "Isn't he ill!?" and everyone looked at me as if I had asked when the next space-shuttle back to outer space leaves. Then they realised that it might not be common knowledge wether the laundry-person is ill or not and laughingly said "well this is a small town". Then they started to go on where it used to be "down by the traffic lights" and I started to wonder "what lights?" and "are there not more then one traffic light?". Then someone said "but isn't there one in XX-street?!" "No, he is dead" said another.

The conclusion was that there is no laundry in The Small Town. As one of the ladies said before I left; "well, as you see; we don't dry clean our clothes very often".

Then I felt it was about time to get out of the shop, I feelt like an alien again.

1 comment:

ViMa said...

Visst så skiljer vi oss Värmlänningar lite ifrån övriga Sverige. Som hon kanske lagt märke till så har vi även börjat att stava annorlunda till skillnad från resten av medborgarna i landet...

Som hon kanske vet beskrevs Värmland som en löst knuten landsdel till Skarastift med bl.a. egen lagbok. Västmannalagen skriven runt år 1300. Då hon härstammar från stiftet ifråga kanske hon ses som en av dem som lade beslag på laxfisket i Klarälven till bl.a. klostret i Varnhem. Nåväl, det var trots allt några år sedan då det hände under Kung Magnus Erikssons tid & detta borde medborgarna i den lilla staden kommit över vid det här laget...
