Sunday, January 25, 2009

Readings of the Hand

On Cape Verde I met this Senegalese man who said he could read your future from the palm of your hand. I am a natural sceptic and don’t believe much in these things, but still I let him have a short glimpse of my left hand and then he said that he saw things that he could only tell me in private. As I just saw this as a very cheap pick-up-trick, I did not care much about it. My friend however, believes much more in this kind of things and she kept reminding him about it and just before we left the island, we passed by his store and then he told me. He told me a lot of things that I won’t write about here, but one thing he said, that came to my mind again when I wrote the previous post, was that he told me to have more contact to my family. He told me to call my mother or my sisters every day. I answered laughing that my mother would probably get seriously worried if I started calling her every day, but considering what I learnt today, maybe I actually should call a little more often.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really think yous should get more in contact with family -
I am not good at this either but
now when I am a parent myself I realize that when you have children you hope so much for them to stay close to you as an adult, and both you and I have been, lets say very "independant" from our own mothers & fathers. Maybe it is time to reconnect before it is too late?

Now I am curious about those "other things" that you learnt by that medium. (happy wink)