Now I have a very near example of this rather bad planning (in my more malevolant moments I call it fascist planning). The house where I live is new and the yard is just being finished. From the yard there is the entrance to the bicycle room and the laundry room. For long there was no paved paths at all but as people had to walk there they had put some wooden boards to walk on, but now quite recently they have fiished the paving and now we just wait for them to plant some plants and bushes etc. When the paving was done I really asked how they thought when they made the plans!!

You enter the yard from the street to the right. If you then want to go to the bicyle room would you then prefer to take the straight (pink) way or the prescribed (yellow dotted)way?! I would guess the pink! Especially as the temporary wooden board that was there before the paving was placed exacly there. I just wonder what they were thinking.
Since I took this picture they have now put some stands for bikes just exacly where all normal persons would want to go (the pink line), just to prevent people from walking there. Hence I believe those planners are more of the fascistoid kind.
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