Saturday, September 26, 2009

To get a day at sea

Today I had a great day at sea! I was out sailing with a friend of a friend. It was not really planned at all but we met at an after work in a bar yesterday together with some other friends. When this friend said he planned to go sailing today I more or less invited myself to join. As I don't know him very well I wasn't sure wether he meant it or not, but indeed; we went sailing, togehter with his sister.
Some times it pays off to be a bit cocky. Today it gave me a great day at sea!

This September has just been fantastic!! So warm and sunny!! It feels like it is still real summer, only with a little higher air and a slight tone of red and yellow among the green. I hope it stays like this for a long time still. We were talking about swimming today, although we didn't, mostly out of laziness I think, I don't think the water would have been very cold.

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